The Ordinary Meeting of the Wollondilly Council of May 21 2012 gave unanimous support for the motion presented by Deputy Mayor, Mr Benn Banasik on behalf of over 320 Wollondilly Shire residents who signed the Petition for a Bargo Community Garden.
So we are profoundly grateful for the leadership and perseverance, of Mr Benn Banasik!
In fact, it is wonderful!
Cr Benn Banasik got unanimous support for his motion! So the Council has accepted the petition signed by residents of Bargo requesting a Community Garden at the Radnor Road Reserve in Bargo. And the Council also will investigate the viability of Community Gardens in Bargo and in all the other Villages of the Shire and possible gardening joint ventures with the community.
Well! This is much more than what we were expecting!
So - in the words of Mr Benn Banasik - "what this means is that Council staff can now act towards making the Bargo Community Garden happen".
And next, following an executive meeting which will happen soon, the Manager for Facilities will get in contact with Mr Benn Banasik so that they can meet with the staff to get 'things' moving!
So we are profoundly grateful for the leadership and perseverance, of Mr Benn Banasik!
In fact, it is wonderful!
Cr Benn Banasik got unanimous support for his motion! So the Council has accepted the petition signed by residents of Bargo requesting a Community Garden at the Radnor Road Reserve in Bargo. And the Council also will investigate the viability of Community Gardens in Bargo and in all the other Villages of the Shire and possible gardening joint ventures with the community.
Well! This is much more than what we were expecting!
Draft Concept Plan |
And next, following an executive meeting which will happen soon, the Manager for Facilities will get in contact with Mr Benn Banasik so that they can meet with the staff to get 'things' moving!
Now we are aware that the Council has commenced investigating the viability of the Community Garden at 14 Radnor Road, that is in the Municipal Park or Reserve.
Decision time is approaching!
We are hopeful that Bargo residents will agree with us:
- this is an ideal place for a Community Garden;
- a Community Garden is a good asset for Bargo;
- a Community Garden not only will help promote organic gardening skills and awareness of healthy eating, but also will have a number of other benefits as we have been stressing in this Blog.
Soon our Council may say YES to a Bargo Community Garden at Radnor Rd!
Let us keep our fingers crossed!
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