Sunday, 25 March 2012

Wollondilly Council Deputy Mayor supports our Garden!

Please, answer our Poll below - at the end of the page!
Draft Concept Plan
Are you in favour of a Bargo Community Garden? A not for profit Association, owned in trust by the Wollondilly Shire Council and open to the public in terms of access, functioning and management?
Some Bargo residents met twice with Deputy Mayor, Mr Benn Banasik, Bargo Chamber of Commerce Secretary - Ms Jodie Dench and Bargo Progress Association Secretary - Mr Bob Rogers seeking support and Council permission for such a Community Garden in Bargo at 14 Radnor Road, that is in the Municipal Park or Reserve where the Sydney Water Reservoir and the Kids Playground also are.
It is an ideal place for a Community Garden for it:
 - is large and it is available now;
 - offers excellent access by foot, car, bus, train;
 - is close to shops, schools and residential area.
Mr Benn Banasik listening to Bargo residents.
Such closeness is important in attracting and securing Membership.
Trusting that our Council will approve a Community Garden in that site, a Working Group was set up to get started and manage the initial operations of our Garden. We have in our team the expertise of two TAFE qualified Horticulturalists, and one of them, Mr Geoff Duggan, who is also a Landscape Architect produced the Draft Concept Plan which can be seen on the image published above.
So we have good grounds to hope that we will be able of planning, designing and implementing a good Project.
We would like to see in Bargo a vibrant recreational, social and educational resource to encourage sustainable gardening, social inclusion and contribute to food security!
Our Petition to the Wollondilly Council is getting good support among Bargo residents.
Bargo Progress Association Members support our Garden.
As an encouraging example, the Bargo Progress Association Members, in their last meeting, declared full support for our Garden and signed the Petition.
If you also support a Bargo Community Garden in that location, then please send your message to the Wollondilly Shire Council by signing our Petition to Council. It is a valuable contribution!
Hopefuly, before the end of May we will get Council permission so that we can start working on the site.
Deputy Mayor Mr Benn Banasik has been presented with a Petition signed by many Bargo Parents who regularly take their kids to the Radnor Road Park Kids Playground. Those Parents want it to stay in that Park! We fully support them!

Please, answer our Poll below!